Our Rebel Book Club Hall of Fame puts the spotlight on our global community of curious minds, to showcase their unique personalities, wild breadth of talents and passions, whilst digging into their connection with nonfiction.
Introducing Alexandra Carutasu

Alexandra Carutasu has been a member of RBC since joining in December 2019 and has read 27 books since (at time of writing).
Books not only satisfy her curiosities but transport her into another world.
Alexandra is passionate about making a difference and contributes to a charity close to her heart Choose Love, a charity that supports refugees through different provisions such as food, rescue boats and legal advice.
Alexandra’s Nonfiction Recommendations
Alexandra’s top 3 recommendations for someone new to nonfiction are:
Time to get up close and personal…
1. How did you end up here at RBC?
Came across RBC when they were doing a round of crowdfunding and thought that the concept was great: reading books and meeting people, two of my favourite things to do. I was also interested in reading more nonfiction but was always frustrated that I didn’t have anyone to discuss the books with afterwards. So RBC ticked all the boxes, really.
2. What makes you pick up a book?
A great description and recommendations from others.
3. Tell us about something you’ve done as a result of a nonfiction book?
So hard to stick to just one so to name a few; I’ve negotiated my rent (semi-successfully), joined a Women’s Network Group to combat (invisible) bias at work, became more cautious about the data I share online and occasionally even hugged trees (yes you read that right).
4. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
The smell of freshly brewed coffee.
5. How do you take your tea?
Green, but if I must go black, I do like the Brit’s and take mine with (oat) milk.
6. Does reading come naturally to you?
You could say that… I’ve been an avid reader since I was a little kid. I love how books, especially fiction, can transport you into another world, and how nonfiction satisfies my curiosity.
7. Tell us about your business/passion project and how can we support it?
I don’t have one at the moment but you can support a cause that’s close to my heart. After reading ‘The Ungrateful Refugee,‘ by Dina Nayeri, I felt powerless about the refugee crisis. Then I came across Choose Love, a charity that raises money for refugees, and felt that I could make a difference, however small it might be. Please go onto their website and purchase items like rescue boats, hot meals and even education, which then gets donated to refugees across the world. Such a great cause!
8. Favourite RBC book so far and why?
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate. I experienced addiction in my family and was very curious about this book, and it didn’t disappoint! The book touches on so many aspects of an addict’s life (many of which they don’t have any control over) and comes up with some original & out of the box thinking. The book is eye-opening and compelling and one that I am still digesting.
9. Favourite RBC meet-up so far and why?
I loved the Never Split the Difference meetup where we got to put our negotiating skills to the test. It was such a fun activity and helped me get in the right mindset for negotiating my rent.
10. Why should someone join RBC?
Because it’s fun, it’s interactive, it expands your social circle and your horizons.

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