October 2021: LOVE
Rebel Book: #78
Book: Attached by Dr. Amir Levine + Rachel SF Heller
Meetup: Huckletree Shoreditch, Ducie Street Warehouse, Framework, Hop In
Fuel: Cockburns Port + Dash Water
Special Guests: Jaia Bristow, Kat Winny, Billie Quinlan
Action: £95 raised for Fumble
Blind Date meets Attachment Styles in London

Are you anxious, avoidant or secure? It seems too easy to divide humans into 3 types of attachment but Levine & Heller do a good job in making it feel like we really do live up to one of these roles in relationships.
We heard from quite a few members who found the book a real game-changer in their lives as well plenty who were skeptical about its simplicity and lack of awareness of a diversity of relationship types and sexual orientations.
It led to some excellent, bigger discussions on effective communication and at our meetups we heard from experts who use attachment theory as a big component of their work. We even played Blind Date, attachment style!
Our October meet was fuelled by Cockburns Port + their Tales of the Unexpected cocktails! Plus, the refreshing fizz of Dash Water and hosted by our great friends over at Huckletree Shoreditch.

At our London event, we were delighted to hear from entrepreneur, Billie Quinlan!
Billie Quinlan is the Co-Founder of Ferly, a sexual wellness app. Ferly is an audio guide that brings together sessions, workshops, quizzes, reflections, and sexy stories all together on one app to help you explore and understand how you feel about sex.
Ferly exists to radically transform your relationship with sex. How you think about it – and how you have it. Sex is taboo, but it shouldn’t be. It should be about as normal as taking a nap or going for a run. This is why Ferly have created a space where you can discover what exactly sex means to you. A space where you’re able to lead a life that is pleasurable, confident and healthy.
You’ll be able to hear from Billie on our upcoming Rebel Book Club podcast episode landing soon!
Check our Ferly on the app store or visit their website here.

It’s not every day you get to relive 90s UK TV sensation Blind Date live in-studio, but Rebel Book Club managed to bring it back for one night only…
We had our very own Cilla in Ben Keene, the famous voiceover Graeme played by Billie Quinlan, and of course, RBC members showcasing their acting skills as contestants answering dating questions ‘from behind the screen’ in the style of Anxious, Avoidant + Secure contestants. Safe to say, Blind Date is still a massive hit!
You really never know where it’s gonna go at a Rebel Book Club Live Event…
Thanks to all of our contestants for being such great sports!

Catch up on our virtual chat with Jaia Bristow + Kat Winny | #RBCTV October Edition
For our October Virtual Event, we were joined by two wonderful guests, Jaia Bristow and Katherine Winny.
Jaia Bristow is a multiethnic, non-monogamous, queer, disabled content creator talking about labels & identity with her podcast Beyond Boxes. She also leads workshops on power, privilege and prejudice, and co-hosts the Relationship Super Conference.
Katherine Winny is a Relationship Coach who was once a corporate lawyer in London. She is a qualified Equus coach, Catalyst life coach, and hypnotherapist, working with hundreds of women to uncover their secret “switch”. Kat’s unique approach offers powerful transformation using horses! She frequently uses this month’s book Attached with her clients.
Clip 1: Nonfiction Favourites.
In this clip, our October experts share their nonfiction faves.
Clip 2: Introducing Jaia + Kat’s work
Clip 3: A Question from our Anonymous Question Box asking for advice on becoming more secure.
In this clip, Kat + Jaia offer a response to a question from our members’ anonymous question box:
What advice would you give for those with anxious/avoidant tendencies on a quest to become secure – to level with secure partners? Can you offer some practical ways to deal with avoidant or anxious attachment styles, for use on yourself?
Clip 4: What can we learn from consensual nonmonogamy? How can we improve our effective communication skills?
In this clip, Jaia offers insights from her recent interviews about attachment in consensual nonmonogamy + what we can all learn about effective communication and Kat shares how she supports her clients with effective communication.
Clip 5: What if you don’t feel like you fit into the dominant relationship boxes?
In this clip, Jaia offers some advice and resources for those who feel they don’t fit into mainstream relationship boxes or structures.
Introducing Fumble…

Each month we give our members the opportunity to donate the cost of a kindle book to a selected charity, usually associated with our theme. This month we supported Fumble and donated £95.
“Right now, young people are really struggling: the challenges that we face when it comes to sex, relationships, our identities and our mental health are massive – especially in the digital world. Things like sexting, porn, ‘revenge porn’, online bullying and grooming, self-harm and suicide ideation, toxic ideologies getting us hooked on harmful ideas of gender, particularly masculinity, and more.
We turn to the internet, but the content is currently rubbish: uninspiring, unhealthy, or even unsafe.
This is where Fumble comes in. We’re the digital sex ed resource for the 21st century. We create exciting, reliable, relatable digital content on intimacy, relationships, identity, health and wellbeing. A happy, healthy digital world of sex ed: by young people, for young people.”
Next up: The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton
Our final book of the Autumn Season explores Cash. Rebel Book Clubbers voted for The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton. More about The Deficit Myth below…
“Supporting the economy, paying for healthcare, creating new jobs, preventing a climate apocalypse: how can we pay for it all? Leading economic thinker Stephanie Kelton, shows how misguided that question is, and how a radical new approach can maximise our potential as a society. Everything that we’ve been led to believe about deficits and the role of money and government spending is wrong. Rather than asking the self-defeating question of how to pay for the crucial improvements our society needs, Kelton guides us to ask: which deficits actually matter?”
‘Kelton has succeeded in instigating a round of heretical questioning, essential for a post-Covid-19 world, where the pantheon of economic gods will have to be reconfigured’
Our members’ meetups are on Tuesday 30th November @ 7pm (GMT). Members will be joining in-person across the UK, or virtually around the world.
Thank you so much to all of our venue partners who keep our club connecting in curiosity:
That’s all for now. Sign up to become a member to join the fun!
If you’re new here, welcome!
We are Rebel Book Club, a global nonfiction book club.
We’ve been reading together for 5+ years and we exist to accelerate your reading habits, connect you with like-minded thinkers + doers and take positive action in a changing world…
We have an event at the end of each month, where we hear from experts in a relevant field to the books we’re reading – which is how this blog post came about.
If you’d like to find out more, check out our website, follow us on Instagram or email our Membership Manager at hello@rebelbookclub.co.uk.
We can’t wait to welcome you aboard!