Frequently Asked Questions

Trusted by thousands of organizations across the globe

Why does Rebel Book Club exist?

We live in confusing times. We can access more information than ever before.
We can easily connect with like-minded people around the world. We can work from (almost) anywhere.
We can explore content, topics and subjects with a couple of taps. But, despite this abundance, many of us often feel overwhelmed, slightly lost and disconnected from each other.
Over the last eight years we've discovered that diving deeper into different topics and discussing them helps us make more sense of the noise in our heads and around us.
It helps us improve our ability to focus in a distracted age.
It helps us connect on a human level beyond emoji's (although we use them a lot) and notifications.
It helps us develop the habit of lifelong learning that can lead to all kinds of exciting shifts.
Rebel Book Club is a home for those who are hungry to learn without going 'back to school'.
It is a place for people to re-connect with others who share their curious mindset and concerns for our changing world.
It is a place to make friends, have fun and grow as a human. One life, right?

Can anyone join Rebel Book Club?

Yes, and RBC is a great fit if... have a hungry mind. get distracted by ideas. like asking surprising questions. try and apply what you see and learn to your own life. want to rekindle your love of reading. want to meet people who are similarly curious.
We're a collective of open-minded thinkers who are motivated to invest valuable time and energy into learning, connecting and cultivating a growth mindset towards life. 
If this sounds like you (or who you want to be), jump in!

What does Rebel Book Club include?

All memberships include:
1. Invites to monthly membership events virtually and in-person currently in the UK for fun, engaging conversations with members, topic experts and authors.
2. Vote on monthly rebel reads. A diverse range of themes from which we shortlist 3 books a month. Members decide which one we read. Join in with the books & events that interest you.
3. Get matched with members who share your interests or live nearby. These connections often lead to new friendships and  help with reading accountability.
4. Club coaching to keep your reading on track + improve your habit. We're regularly nudging you to keep up your reading and sharing the best ways to stay focused.

You can opt out anytime if you aren't 100% happy. The average membership length is 9 months. Some members have been with us since 2015!

When does my membership fee go out of my bank account?

Subscription Memberships:
When you signup to one of our subscription membership options your direct debit is setup automatically. The fee will be charged every month or once a year on the date you signed up - depending on your membership. You can cancel your recurring payments and membership anytime.

One -off memberships:
You can also join with a one-off membership payment for a taster or flirt membership

Can I get involved if I don't own a Kindle or eReader?

Yes! Our members read in a variety of formats: hardback, paperback, kindle or ebook, and, increasingly, audio, especially via Xigxag. Every new member receives a voucher for a free audiobook of their choice.

Many of our members buy their books from their local bookshops or borrow from a library.

When and where are the member events?

Member events take place ever month, on the last Monday (digital) and Tuesday (in-person) between 7-9pm UK time.
We currently run in-person events in the UK in London (various locations) & Bristol.

What happens if I can't attend an event?

Now we're hybrid (in-person and virtual) excuses! Bring your cat.
You should sack whoever manages your diary. Seriously though, if you're on holiday (or an unavoidable zoom) or otherwise unavailable, no biggie - join the digital event or we'll keep you in the loop with everything you missed with our monthly review.

How do you choose which books to read?

We curate books that we think will appeal to the RBC community.

We present three inspiring options each month, often recommendations from the community. Our shortlists always include at least one independent publisher and one under-represented author. We want to support more equality in publishing.

Members then vote for their favourite and we've got our book for the following month. Expect to see books around creativity, motivation, impact, climate, history, entrepreneurship, happiness, wellbeing, tech, science, politics, nature and innovation with the occasional inspiring biography thrown in for good measure.

Best way to see the type of books we read is to check out our library.

Can I suggest a topic or book?

Yes, please do! We collect book and topic suggestions via our yearly member survey + you can email us anytime at

Can I bring RBC to my city?

We've had a lot of requests to start RBC in different cities which is really exciting. We're taking things one step (and book) at a time. If you're motivated to help bring RBC to your town and know a group of people who would be ideal members then let us know.

Can I stop my membership?

Yes. You can stop your membership anytime by emailing us. Please email us at least three days before your membership is due to renew; we reply to emails every day, Monday to Friday. We will complete this within 7 days of receiving your email. We can kickstart your membership again whenever you're ready.

Can I get a refund on my membership?

Sorry, no. Your membership is non-refundable.
Your membership fees are supporting accelerating reading habits and positive action!

What is your privacy policy?

In a tweet: Respect people's privacy. No spam, no data sales, no genetically modified avatars!
You can view our full privacy policy here.